Welcome to Introduction to copywriting and how to write click-worthy headlines!

In this course, you'll get a better understanding of what is copywriting and learn how to write click-worthy headlines using storytelling and psychology. 

With Ray as your teacher, you'll be in good hands. After all, his been in the content and social media industry for over 10 years. And, as the founder and director of dslx, he's seen a lot of what writer's are doing right, and not so right.

In this course, you'll learn:

  • What is copywriting
  • Copywriting vs content writing
  • The importance of headlines
  • Writing and human psychology
  • Cialdini's 6 Principles of Persuasion
  • Hooks vs clickbait
  • How to write click-worthy headlines
  • Mistakes to avoid
  • Free tools and resources
  • Drawing inspiration

As materials for this course you'll get his video lesson and the option to download the PDF file so you can always go back to his lessons.

Happy learning!

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  Intro. to Copywriting
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